Greg rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Aug 30 21:11:45 CDT 2001

Bill Bradford wrote:

> Best Buy, CompUSA, and a couple of other local shops are never getting
> another penny of my money.  Ever again.  If I can go to Frys, get stuff
> for about what I would pay for mail order + shipping, take it back if
> it breaks (or I plain just dont like it before 30 days is up), and have
> such a good selection, I'll definitely go there.

That's funny!  Here in the Fry's homeland attitude towards Fry's has 
changed over the years :-)


But when I first moved here Fry's was the place I had to go first and I
still visit often.  It's getting hard to find new, unopened merchandise.
Most people treat it like a 30-day lending library of electronics so
for many products you'll find "returned" stickers on most of the 
on-shelf product and often there are pieces missing and Fry's restocks 
it anyways.  Take advantage of the store while it's still new!


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