[rescue] 670MP funzies....PC card too?

BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Aug 29 14:45:01 CDT 2001

> > > Hey, just install KDE and Mozilla, and then tell her she is running a very
> > > special edition of Windows:

I would, but she just got W2000 at work, and would know the diff.

> > > Windows XINU Professional
> > 
> > Windows XENU Professional....The new Scientology-Approved version.
> Windows XENIX Edition.... May be we got it right the first time.

Hey, youse guys is beginning to scare me.  It sounds too much like a
Gatesware is everywhere kind of thing....  I was just resurrecting
an old MultiBusI UNIX tape, and even that had a Gatesware copyright
on it.  What is the world coming to.

Think VAX, think VAX, think VAX... at least he ain't there.....


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