[rescue] nuking from orbit

Michael A. Turner rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Aug 28 12:42:09 CDT 2001

	Uh maybe I should be a little clearer on the fact that our main
concern is just uplanned for routing problems and unknown backdoors someone
may have installed. I am pretty sure that the local school district is not
doing nuclear research on the chinesse for the CIA , but then again I could
be wrong....

Michael A. Turner
Systems Engineer
michael.turner at whro.org

-----Original Message-----
From: Jeremy Nielson [mailto:jnielson at ihccorp.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 1:32 PM
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: Re: [rescue] nuking from orbit

I remember reading something about a year, maybe year and a half ago, about
a system the FBI or the NSA had devised, that could grab data from a
magnetic medium, despite protective measures taken.

The example given, was typical paranoid types wipe the disk and write
consecutive zero's over the disk 7-10 times.  And the process could still
glean like 70% of the data afterwards.

Scary, if you ask me.  It seems the best way to prevent data from being
compromised, is to physically mangle the disk, shred it, burn it, and then
make one big magnetic glop out of it.

Even then, we might not be safe.

If I can find the article, I'll post the link.

Jeremy Nielson
jnielson at ihccorp.com

----- Original Message -----
From: Patrick Giagnocavo <patrick at zill.net>
To: <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2001 1:21 PM
Subject: Re: [rescue] nuking from orbit

> > Ok I have a sparc 5 here that my boss wants to me completely scrub
> >and re-install for a local school system to use as a web server for the
> >to learn on. I cannot find anything on how to "format and re-install" a
> >box. Can anyone give me any pointers, I am required to format this clean
> >that no data can escape the destruction and make it's way over to the new
> >system.
> Wouldn't a low-level format of the drive take care of this?
> Followed by installation of say OpenBSD, which uses a different filesystem
> than Solaris?
> I guess if the NSA still wants the data, they can probably get it.  Aside
> from that though you would be safe.  (and if the NSA wanted your data,
> would have already gotten it).
> Cordially
> --
> Patrick Giagnocavo
> patrick at zill.net
> Web Hosting:  http://www.zill.net/
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