[rescue] DSL - Yay! ....off topic q's

Dave Selders rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Aug 15 14:24:10 CDT 2001

That is more or less how mine is setup at the moment.  Do you get a 
static ip address or is it dynamic?


Patrick Giagnocavo wrote:

>Please excuse the off topic question, but I know this has been discussed
>Sprint has finally begun to offer DSL in the area.  It is not at a great
>price though:
>$79.95 for 1.5Mb download/384K upload
>$49.95 for 512k download/128K upload
>No way do I want to deal with some crappy internal modem.
>What is the best external solution?  I think I want:
>Internet -> DSL -> my home DSL jack -> DSL modem+NAT box -> plugged into
>ethernet hub
>Does this sound about right?
>Comments, suggestions most welcome.
>Patrick Giagnocavo
>patrick at zill.net
>Web Hosting:  http://www.zill.net/
>rescue maillist  -  rescue at sunhelp.org

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