[rescue] Printing to the 'net

joshua d boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Aug 8 12:49:01 CDT 2001

On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 01:41:54PM -0400, Brian Hechinger wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 08, 2001 at 01:37:54PM -0400, Linc Fessenden wrote:
> > 
> > Don't believe it - I've seen his blazer.
> ok, it USED to go 110MPH.  now it barely goes 80, but i can hit 90 if i'm going
> down a hill.  damn fuel injector. :)

Hehe.  My old car used to be able to go 75, if I was heading down
hill.  Imagine my dismay when I had to catch up to someone who was going

Also, going the speed limit in slush is a good way to punch out rusted
sections in floor pans.  Just don't be too startled when slush flies into
the cabin, or your might reck.

Joshua D. Boyd

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