[rescue] several second lag...

joshua d boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Aug 5 22:19:39 CDT 2001

On Sun, Aug 05, 2001 at 10:55:58PM -0400, Ken Hansen wrote:
> All these crimes have existed for years, well before the Internet was
> available. This is nothing new.

Yeah, I know.  Well, the electronc checks is apparently fairly new, but
the visa check card problem has been around for a while.  It's just that
the internet makes it worse.  Err, I mean, it makes it harder to do
without joining the broken system.  Before it was so desireable to buy
things over the net, I never had a shred of trouble getting buy with
nothing but cash and MAC.  Now, things are more of a pain.

Plus, perhaps this is unreasonable, but an insecure web site worries me
than the possibility of a crooked employee.
> You will, I suspect have a much more enjoyable passage through this life if
> you choose to believe that *everyone* is not out to get you... Just an
> opinion, YMMV.

I'm much less worried about in person security.  I leave my wallet lieing
all over the place, I leave my car unlocked at stores (unless I have my
notebook in it), keep it's spare in a painfully obvious place, and other
silly things.  But, it won't break me to have my car stolen.  Cleaning my
bank account would cause far more trouble.

But then, maybe I'm insane.  Who knows.  

Joshua D. Boyd

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