[rescue] Mac Appliance

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Aug 5 19:59:18 CDT 2001

joshua d boyd wrote:

> Anyway, so the example you give is a trivial one to pull off in a
> co-operative environment.

Oh, I understand preemptive multitasking. The question was whether the
Presentation Manager (windowing system) is preemptive or not. I thought
it might be, but am still not sure. I always used OS/2 as a server
except for my dad's system. I know the OS like the inside of my mouth,
but the PM's a bit of a mystery. I've read (and still have a copy of)
Gordon Letwin's book (Inside OS/2) from the early days at Micros*ft, and
used it from it's first pre-release 'till it merged with AIX and died
the flaming death that only IBM could have managed.

Hell, I've got a copy of OS/2 1.1 somewhere around here, I think.

Yeah, merged with AIX. Any of you seen Warp Server? Two years old by
now, but it rocked hard. It was so much like being on a unix system it
was easy to forget you weren't. Even had jfs and lvm, as well as a full
set of gnu tools.

Maybe I'll build an OS/2 box for the hell of it. Gonna need a sound card
to talk to it...


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