[rescue] Rescue these

joshua d boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Aug 4 11:35:47 CDT 2001

On Sat, Aug 04, 2001 at 05:51:39AM +0000, koyote at koyote.cx wrote:
> Heh, I have a friend who does genetic research.... wish like hell I could 
> afford to get that, get a grant for the lectric, and run it for him....

You know what, I have a friend into genetics also (he is a bio-chem major
who wants to head into research), he was looking at some of those boxes on
ebay and wishing he could get one for research.

I told him to figure out exactly what he would do with it, and maybe I
could find the CPU power somewhere for him to do it.

Joshua D. Boyd

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