[rescue] Mac Appliance

Brian Hechinger rescue at sunhelp.org
Fri Aug 3 11:18:13 CDT 2001

On Fri, Aug 03, 2001 at 12:14:22PM -0400, joshua d boyd wrote:
> >   *I* will decide what my computing needs are, thank you.
> Somehow I don't think that anyone is ever going to start calling Crays and
> PDPs home PCs anytime soon.  Even if that is what we need.

uhm, but i.....  oh, nevermind. :)

> I get the impression that Linux is pretty usefull (but far from
> optimized) on PPC machines, and that for the most part hardware
> support is excellent (although still not optimized).  Tivo is a PPC linux
> machine after all.  Mips and strongarm also seem to be getting somewhere
> finally.

so how long till linux gets optimized?  ever?  just curious, not that i'd ever
use it.

> I really just care that an OS doesn't crash, and that it does support my
> hardware.  If NetBSD supported it well (like it should for my SS2 if I can
> ever ger linux's rarp troubles worked out to load NetBSD), I'd be just as
> happy using it. 

mmmmm, NetBSD will rock on that SS2.  email me your troubles again, i'll see
if i can help you out.

> Especially if you've only got 4 bloody registers.  Darn it McGuire, stop
> ranting and invent a time machine so that we can go beat the 386 guy who
> decided to stick with 4 registers.  That alone would radically improve
> things.

i'd like to beat the people responsable for x86 just on principle. :)

> Care to say which machine that is?

care to take a guess? :)


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