[rescue] Alpha/Sparc/NeXT/SGI to donate/sell

joshua d boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Aug 1 13:56:09 CDT 2001

On Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 01:22:56PM -0500, Reagen B . Ward wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 01, 2001 at 02:19:40PM -0400, joshua d boyd wrote:
> > Oh, so I'm just lucky that so far I've never need distributed and shared
> > memory at the same time.  So far, all my parellizing has just been for UI
> > responsiveness, or things that are appalingly simple.
> I'm confused.  Are you referring to multithreading or the like?  What
> kind of UI jobs are you parallelizing?  Surely PVM/MPI's overhead would
> absolutely kill UI responsiveness.

I've done threading and forking previously.  In the past, it was always a
school project, or to increase UI responsiveness (ie, UI in one thread,
background spell checker in another thread, http server in a third
thread).  However, I have some code (simulation stuff mainly, with some
math analysis as a seperate project) that needs some parallizing, and am
thinking that instead of continuing to just use threads or forks, that
maybe it should be written using MPI, and was wondering what the issues
that you were refering to were.

The thing I'm wondering about MPI is if I would ever really want it.  I
mean, if I use it now, I'm just using it to save recoding for running on a
network of machines.  But, if I'm the one supplying the network of
machines, than I rather suspect I would rather use Mosix instead of MPI.

But, ultimately the issues would be the same anyway for the most part,
aren't they.

I'm not sure if that is readable, everythings been blurring in front of me

Joshua D. Boyd

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