[SunRescue] G3 upgrade for PowerMac 7300

rescue at sunhelp.org rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Apr 16 22:37:19 CDT 2001

I would guess it has more to do with Aqua and Quartz than the underlying
BSD layer, which *does* run on preG-series PPC chips, X86, etc.

Ed Mitchell (ed<-at->the7thbeer.com)
Finger for PGP public key
This boxen's uptime stats....
  8:35pm  up 61 day(s),  2:36,  0 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.15

On Mon, 16 Apr 2001, Mike Hebel wrote:

> >> Last word from the Darwin crew was sometime after snowballs spend a
> >> night in hell. :(  The power just isn't there.  And I'm starting to 
> >> believe them...
> DM>   Hmm, that's funny.  The 604e-based machines sure had enough power
> DM> for heavy-hitters like Photoshop.  Why can't they run this new
> DM> operating system?
> DM>   It's a design choice to purposely ignore an entire class of
> DM> a-model-line-old-but-nowhere-near-obsolete machines.  Nothing more.
> That's especially funny and true since the internals of OSX are BSD in nature
> which can be made to run on just about anything.  NetBSD as an
> example. Although admittedly a less "showy" one than OSX.
> I'm betting someone else will port it to the older machines.  IIRC
> there's already talk of a port in the works for Intel but that may just be the
> fogginess in my brain.
> Mike Hebel                          mailto:drone8of9 at crosswinds.net
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