[SunRescue] G3 upgrade for PowerMac 7300

Michael Free rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Apr 16 22:14:27 CDT 2001

>On Mon, 16 Apr 2001, Mike Hebel wrote:
>> I'm betting someone else will port it to the older machines.  IIRC
>> there's already talk of a port in the works for Intel but that may just
be the
>> fogginess in my brain.
>One word: Sparcintosh!!! :-)
>(I remember a ways back ('93 or so) when it was rumored that Sun was going
>to buy Apple.  We were drooling over the idea of a SPARC-based Mac.
>Imagine a quad-CPU UltraSPARC III-based mac with 8G of RAM running

That machine, if it were to exist, would carry the name, CareerBuilder :)

I can see it now, at an interview "I have a sparcintosh 8500 at home and I
know how to use it"   "(employer, from puddle of drool) YOU'RE HIRED!"

Mike Free
from the late-night ramble machine

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