[SunRescue] Vinophiles of the world unite

Joshua D. Boyd rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Apr 12 15:00:36 CDT 2001

Where do you live?

Joshua Boyd

On Thu, 12 Apr 2001, Dan Lane wrote:

> Chris Byrne sent the following on Thu, 12 Apr 2001...
> > Actually here's an interesting combo. Have you ever had gaucho steak? It's a
> > VERY tasty Argentinian beef dish.
> >
> > What you do is take a very fine beef loin, then slice it EXTREMELY thin,
> > almost like slices of bacon. Marinate for at least four hours in an acidic
> > white wine (add vinegar or more lemon juice if necessary, the acid content
> > is very important), garlic, chili peppers, black pepper, and various other
> > spices to taste. Then sautee the steak in a light oil or even better butter
> > and lemon until just barely cooked (preferably only a few seconds if you
> > sliced thin enough). Really you're almost blanching the meat rather then
> > sauteeing it (that's why the acidic content is important. It softens the
> > meat, and helps to kill bacteria making it safe to cook it less). Since the
> > meat is sliced so thin it almost dissolves in your mouth.
> A free Javastation to anyone who can come to my house and make this dish for me!
> Dan - wishes he could cook!
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