[SunRescue] STOP IT. NOW.

Peter L. Wargo rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Apr 11 12:01:13 CDT 2001

On Wed, 11 Apr 2001, amy wrote:

> based on the other vintage reports of preceeding and following years
> (obviously the '37 bottle's unopened) it's a tawny. Dow made an excellent
> ruby '94--just about the only maker to do so that year btw. its worth
> checking out. 

I had an excellent Graham's '68 tawny for my 32nd birthday last year.  6
days left till the big day this year, wonder if I'll find another
bottle...  (Supposedly, the new pump/heater system for the pool/spa will
be done by then, My idea of a perfect day would be to sit in the hot tub
with a big glass o' port and Chandra...)


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