[SunRescue] SS2 usefulness (waz: 5 major manufacturers?)

Stou Sandalski tangui at cell2000.net
Wed Sep 27 02:05:57 CDT 2000

Yea I see your point... is the SS2 fast enough to run those services? I have
one... and when I first got it, it had SunOS 4.1.1, then I killed that and
tried to put OpenBSD on it... one thing I noticed was that the SS2 was
sooooo slow, surely something must be wrong with it... I mean when you type
ls it would print out one line at a time like one of them old skool
hollywood representations of a military super comptuer.... it would take
like 3 - 5 minutes to fill the screen with the directory listing... and when
it was downloading the OpenBSD files from one of my other systems (on a 10BT
net), it was like downloading slower then a modem... is this really how
these machines run or is it just me? My orignal intent was to make it a
telnet server for my friends to play with remotely... but would it be fast
enough for that?

> -----Original Message-----
> From: rescue-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:rescue-admin at sunhelp.org]On
> Behalf Of Mike Nicewonger
> Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2000 23:54
> To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> Subject: Re: [SunRescue] 5 major manufacturers?
> have huge ability to leap over numbers with a single wham! They make kick
> ass SETI and RC5 crunching boxes as well as bad ass CAD machines. I run my

YEA BABY RC5 stats!!!

> mail and web server on an SS2, most of the other machines I own are just
> sitting around till I get moved into my house I am buying then I will find
> productive work for them. Of course we all have our own personal fav's but
> the truth is if you wanna get work done, get a real machine with
> a real CPU
> like any of the UNIX boxes from the previously mentioned 5 companies.
> Mike N



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