[SunRescue] Help me resucitate this Sparcstation 5

Cyrus M. Reed reedc at cc.wwu.edu
Fri Sep 22 13:25:50 CDT 2000

It looks like 1.1.2 is supported on sun4m (which is the
architecture of a Sparc5) according to the handy SunOS/Solaris version
history.  So it should theoretically work...  Is it a model 170 (170MHz)
by chance?  I know that I've seen mention of some hardware differences
between the 170 and the slower models; that might possibly hang things up.
If that's the case, you would want to find a later rev of Solaris (which
you will probably want to do anyway- 1.1.2 is fairly long in the tooth
for a Sparc 5).  It sounds like it might be a hardware problem though.


On Fri, 22 Sep 2000, Mike Turner wrote:

> 	Hello all, 
> 	I havea sick sparcstation 5 (64 megs ram , 1.5 gig HD, microsparc ][
> processor , cd-rom internal, rom rev 2.15)here and I need your help. For
> some reason it does not want to join the land of the living. Here are the
> symptoms  I have seen.
> 	 When I first got my hands on it , the machine would constantly
> reboot when powered up. I have gotten that to stop now. I have the 1.5 gig
> IBM hard drive in the system formatted and ready to go. I can boot cdrom and
> enter the single user shell from the cd-rom for the solaris version( this cd
> is solaris 1.1.2) , if I try and do this trick with my solaris & cd the
> system automatically reboots when I type in boot cdrom giving me no chance
> to get to the user shell.
> 	Now the problem is I want to install solaris to the HD I have. I
> have been trying to install 1.1.2 simply because I have that cd handy and it
> is the only thing I can get to give me that option. Unfortunatly when I try
> to install the system poops on itself and reboots. These are messages I am
> getting (found on screen after reboot)
> checking writeability of /dev/rsd0b
> 0+1 records in 
> 1+0 records out
> Extracting miniroot ...
> Async memory fault mfsr=0x81804820 mfar=0x3df4198     <---- Number on this
> line vary
> panic: async memory fault
> syncing file systems... done
> 01542 low-memory static kernel pages
> 00146 additional static and sysmap kernel pages
> 00000 dynamic kernel data pages
> 00016 additional user structure pages
> 00000 segmap kernel pages
> 00000 segvn kernel pages
> 00031 current user process pages                      <---- Number on this
> line vary
> 00002 user stack pages                                <---- Number on this
> line vary
> 01737 total pages (1737 chunks)                       <---- Number on this
> line vary
> dumping to vp fb003e34, offset 103576                  <---- Number on this
> line vary 
> 0 total pages, dump failed: error 19
> rebooting...
> resetting ...
>  and then I am back at the normal startup screen for this system. Anyone got
> an idea of wat is causing this , and even better, how to fix it? Memory
> checks performed at startup show the system to be fine.
>     Also when I start the install I am getting a message at one point that
> says
> WARNING: preposterous time in the file system -- CHECK AND RESET THE DATE!
> 	Rarely, it will give me a peice on the install that looks like this
> Extracting miniroot ...
> Using cdrom partition number 3
> |
> Mini-root Installation complete
>  Then I go to the above messages starting with the Async memory fault
> 	If you got any idea, message me back , I am willing to try anything.
> 	Michael A. Turner
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