[SunRescue] Continuing foibles of Tim and SGI

Mark Davies MarkUK at uunix.demon.co.uk
Sun Sep 17 14:07:40 CDT 2000

Hi All.

Mounting a removeable filesystem on an IRIS is automatic. A daemon
called MEDIAD handles it.
 As long as you have the daemon running CHKCONFIG MEDIAD ON. Of cause if
you cannot boot the system (The INDY) and you have no CD Drive then this
info is useless. The INDIGO (depending on the OS IRIX 5.x 6.x etc) will
also mount the CDROM automagiaclly. 

So you have an IMAGE of IRIX and want to install from the net. This is
no problem as long as you set up bootp and tftpd on the SERVER (INDIGO)
Set the INDY Prom to netadr and issue the boot commmand. So here we go:

On the INDIG, check /etc/inetd.conf for bootp and tftpd entries

grep bootp /etc/inetd.conf

uncoment out the hash from the line that reads:
		bootp dgram udp wait root /usr/etc/bootp bootp

grep tftp /etc/inetd.conf

Unoment out the hash from the line that reads:
		-s /usr/local/boot /usr/etc/boot

Set the prom variable on the client:

(EG: this ip address is the server INDIGO

setenv netaddr

And BOOT away....

Now, how are you going to get the image onto /usr/local/boot on the

ftp it from a linux machine? 
Let me know how you get on, I'd be interested to hear the success ;-)

Regards Mark

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