[SunRescue] we're all just spoiled (was: re: IPC)

Garten, David N., CTR, OSD/P&R GartenD at PR.OSD.MIL
Tue Oct 24 08:25:28 CDT 2000

Bill's got a point....

James Birdsall noted:
Model                List Prices
             Feb 91  Mar 91  Apr 91  Jun 92  Jul 93
SS IPC     | $7995   =       $9995   $5995   $9995?
SS IPC GX  | $12495  =       =       =  
SS1        | $8995   =       =
SS SLC     | $4995   =       =
SS1GX      | $14955 - $18995
SS1+       | $13900  =       =
SS2        | $14995  =       =       $14295  =
SS ELC     |                         $3995   =
SS IPX     |                         $9995   =

Maybe not "major" investment material, but buy a couple dozen?!...

Dave Garten
6508 Rock Crystal Dr
Clifton, VA  20124
Office:  (703) 614-4616
Home:  (703) 222-9057
Personal email:  dgarten at nova.org

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Bradford [mailto:mrbill at mrbill.net]
Sent: Monday, October 23, 2000 3:46 PM
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: [SunRescue] we're all just spoiled (was: re: IPC)

Think about it guys - this was once a SOLD, SUPPORTED FACTORY CONFIG!

People were *glad* to have machines like this!

We're all just spoiled rotten with machines now.  Once upon a time, this was
the latest "hot box".  People would kill to have their own SPARCs on their


Bill Bradford
mrbill at mrbill.net
Austin, TX
Rescue maillist  -  Rescue at sunhelp.org

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