[SunRescue] we're all just spoiled (was: re: IPC)

SheldonT.Hallshall1 at columbus.rr.com SheldonT.Hallshall1 at columbus.rr.com
Mon Oct 23 16:32:06 CDT 2000

On Monday, October 23, 2000 5:11 PM, Mike Nicewonger wrote:

[snip mini-rant about PC planned obsolescence]

> Good god! Other than the laptop my company gives me to use I don't own a
> computer less than 3 or 4 years old. Hell I buy computers almost every 
> and all of them are no newer than 3 years.

Heck-o, even a 3-year-old PC can be a great deal; a 200-MHz Pentium with a 
2-gig drive and 64 megs will still do useful work, and lots of it!

Of course, that statement comes from a guy who made a living with a Compaq 
Portable II [1] from 1990 to 1993 ....


[1]  '286, 640k, 10 meg HD, greyscale CGA ... I was doing DOS comms stuff.

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