[SunRescue] Re: Trolls and MP on rescued suns

DavidMurphydrjolt+sunrescue at redbrick.dcu.ie DavidMurphydrjolt+sunrescue at redbrick.dcu.ie
Wed Oct 11 12:08:53 CDT 2000

Quoting <00100922395600.15770 at warlock.hmv.net>
by Mike Meredith at home <hmv at meredithm.fsnet.co.uk>:

> I seem to remember that Sun's justification for the high cost of
> their original WorkShop product was that you got a lot more than
> just a C compiler. Things may have changed --- it seems possible to
> license just the C compiler, which may be cheaper (possibly not
> cheap enough although I haven't the faintest idea of what it costs).

According to our reseller here in .ie, you can no longer buy the
command-line compilers stand-alone, it's the full development
environment or nothing.

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