[SunRescue] Rescued SS10

DaveMcGuiremcguire at neurotica.com DaveMcGuiremcguire at neurotica.com
Mon Oct 2 19:30:57 CDT 2000

On October 2, Mike Nicewonger wrote:
> > I want to put a small practice Oracle database on it.  I know it will
> crawl,
> > so maybe more CPUs, RAM.  It has 64Mb and since I will only be practicing
> > DBA tasks and backup/recovery on it.
> I'd put more ram in it for Oracle, otherwise it should be fine. Slow but
> good for learning on.

  Actually with enough memory and a decent CPU an SS10 makes an
excellent Oracle server.  The memory performance and cache performance
on those machines is quite respectable, especially for the money.

          -Dave McGuire

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