[SunRescue] good news

BillBradfordmrbill at mrbill.net BillBradfordmrbill at mrbill.net
Mon Oct 2 04:54:19 CDT 2000

On Mon, Oct 02, 2000 at 05:48:14AM -0400, Dave McGuire wrote:
>   Well, like I said, the first one was via eBay.  Then you sorta get
> to know the "community", same as with classic machines.

So, how many people @ Cray (now Terra/Cray, or whatever) and/or SGI
and/or ex-Cray Research people do you know on a first-name basis
now, due to owning more computing power than most small third-world
countries?  Have you been declared a national security risk yet, due to
all the CPU cycles in your basement? 8-)

Bill (you should take pictures someday... we want to see YOUR computer room!)

I'm still pissed at Goodwill Computerworks.  They wont sell their
EL98 at any price - and now there's a sign up by it that says "if you
have or know where to find Unicos for this machine, please call <dude>
at xxx-yyyy so that we can get it running".  Idiots.  Its not a museum

Bill Bradford * KD5LQR
  mrbill at mrbill.net
    Austin, TX

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