[SunRescue] SS1+ still imitating large paperweight

Kurt Nowak rescue at sunhelp.org
Thu Nov 30 14:02:36 CST 2000

Michael Hansen wrote:

> I would like to thank all those who gave me advice on my
> comatose SS1+, but unfortunately, it still doesn't work.
> I was glad to know that the SS1+ uses a different SIMM
> slot arrangement. The hardware FAQ is somewhat unclear on
> this point. Anyway, the red LED in the power supply is
> still on, the LEDs on the mainboard still don't light up
> at all, and nothing seems to show up on a terminal emu.
> when I connect to serial port A. I noticed that
> the hardware FAQ seems to indicate that all jumpers on J4
> should be installed, but that didn't seem to change anything.
> Unless anyone has some ideas I haven't tried yet, I guess
> I'll try to find another unit so I can swap out the
> board or power supply. Is that my best course of action at
> this point?

I would try powering the machine up after putting in one simm at a time. Ive
had a few experiences where a faulty simm would keep the thing from showing
any life.

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