[SunRescue] Sparcplug question

Ken Hansen rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Nov 28 18:29:23 CST 2000

What would you pay for a similar SS/10 or SS/20?

How much more would you pay considering the size?

Does this come complete (there are special wiring harnesses needed for most


    SS/20 RAM sells for *about* $2/megabyte

    100 Mhz HyperSPARCs sell for $270/each

    CG3s are nearly free these days ($10?)

    Disks about 8 Gig in size are about $100 (UW SCSI drive at
WWW.HiTechCafe.COM )

So, are you willing to pay a premium over:

    256 Meg RAM x $2/Meg = $512
    (2) 100 Mhz HyperSPARCs x $270/each = $540
    CG3 = $10
    Disk = $100

= $1162?


----- Original Message -----
From: "Martin Wedel" <sun at minor-element.net>
To: <packrats at sunhelp.org>
Cc: <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Sent: Monday, November 27, 2000 9:49 PM
Subject: [SunRescue] Sparcplug question

> Hi again,
>   I asked recently about Sparcplugs, specifically, I'm trying to find one.
> I received an email with a 'make me an offer' kind of thing, and I'm
> curious if someone could help me with a ballpark figure on what I should
> expect to pay.
> It's a Dual 100mhz unit with CG3 graphics, 256M of RAM and an 8G drive.
> Any ideas on what I should offer?
> Thanks!
> --
> Martin Wedel
> sun at minor-element.net
> http://www.minor-element.net/
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