[SunRescue] adding a hard drive to Axil Ultima

Paul Phillips rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Nov 19 23:56:53 CST 2000

I've opened up my Axil Ultima 1 (Ultra 1 clone.)

I'll post some pictures pretty soon of the insides.

Anyway, there is a nice free SCA drive bay and sled, so today I'm trying to 
add an IBM 2.1 gig drive in there.  It installs mechanically fine.

"format" finds the drive at the correct SCSI number.  I put in all the 
cylinder info, heads, tracks, etc that I obtained from www.storage.ibm.com. 
The I try to format it.

I get an error that says "reserve failed".  Well, that doesn't help a lot. 
So I gave up on formatting, thinking that maybe it was already formatted, 
and I could just partition it. So I went into partition, and sure enough 
there was a typical Sun partition table there.  I wanted to change that to 
a simple single partition for the whole drive that I could use for extra 
space.  That failed also.

I'm beginning to wonder if the drive is bad (bought it off ebay, supposedly 

I have it set at SCSI ID 0, and have tried it both with termination on and 
off (by changing the jumper settings).

Any thoughts?

Paul Phillips

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