[SunRescue] SCA drives...

Ken Hansen n2vip at impop.bellatlantic.net
Wed May 3 17:50:16 CDT 2000

I am concerend about heat, but we really need to understand how your
system is used to give a real answer:

    Is it left on 24x7 or just for 4 - 8 hour demos?

    Are you planning on one drive or two?

    Are these half-height or low-profile?

    What is the speed of the drive - 5000 RPM, 7200 RPM or higher?

    What speed is the CPU in the SS5?

    What other SBUS cards are you running (incl. framebuffer)?

The real question is this - how hot does your system get now, and how
much hotter will it get after you add this drive?

I have 2x4Gig HDs in my SS5/70, but it is a rather baren box (only a TGX
frame bufffer, may be adding a SCSI/Ethernet card), but it is only left on
occasionally. I did smoke test it by letting it run for 96+ hours and the air
exiting the case seemed a little warm, not overly hot (IMHO)... But these
are 5400 RPM drives.

External cases are not that expensive, and I don't think your clients will find

two pieces (SS5 and ext. drive) offensive/complex.

One other thought - one 18 Gig HD is probably *much* better than 2x9 Gig
HDs - the heat is a function of the motors, not the storage capacity...


n2vip at bellatlantic.net

Kurt Mosiejczuk wrote:

> I've convinced my boss to improve the disk space on a Sparc 5 we use
> as a "demo" machines and test bed.  Hi-Tech Warehouse has 18G SCSI-SCA
> drives for under $300.
> Of course, the acquisitions person called our sun reseller who said we
> can't do that and need to go extternal for a drive that big.  With a
> $1400 price tag.
> I'm just basically looking for confirmation that there isn't a problem
> with putting an 18G SCA drive in a sparc 5 (we have the brackets necessary)
> --Kurt
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