[SunRescue] Re: Disk partitioning

SheldonT.Hallshall1 at columbus.rr.com SheldonT.Hallshall1 at columbus.rr.com
Sun Jul 23 10:16:07 CDT 2000

On Sunday, July 23, 2000 1:15 AM, RR wrote:

> PS. I had a good laugh/cry at the weekly computer auction a few nights
> ago, two real gems in the lineup of PeeCee rubbish.  One well cared for
> 4/260 complete with big-arse mono monitor and 2 SMD disk boxes (same
> size box as the 4/260).  I was tempted, but it wouldn't have fit in my
> car, and I have absolutely nowhere to put it.  The PeeCee punters went
> stupid when I told them it was a Sun, final bid price was $AUS120.  The
> other gem was a lot of 2 HP9000 G50's with 3 x 90MHz cpus and 256Mb of
> RAM each, plus CD and DDS2 tape drive, final bid price was $AUS360 each
> with the winning bidder thinking he got some killer windoze boxes.  I
> didn't have the heart to clue him in, nor the money to outbid him.

So, what do those folks do with the stuff once they get it home and 
discover it won't run Windows?  Bring it back to the auction and give you 
another chance, I hope....

FWIW, I've been known to buy various weird things at the local University 
surplus place, just for the parts.  F.ex, a stack of four DEC '486s, each 
containing two 16MB 60nsFPM true-parity SIMMS (suitable for my LX or the 
wife's Pentium), a 3COM ISA NIC (suitable for anything Intel), a 2-gig IDE 
hard drive (ditto), 3.5" floppy (ditto, and then some), a PS/2 keyboard 
(ditto), and various cables.  At US$40 for the lot, I think I did OK.

Of course, I knew what I was getting....


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