[SunRescue] Q on "optimal" OS for Sun4c ...

MatthewHaaswedge at lightlink.com MatthewHaaswedge at lightlink.com
Fri Jul 14 16:59:55 CDT 2000

On Thu, 13 Jul 2000, BSD Bob the old greybeard BSD freak wrote:
> >   Wow.  Is it possible that we are the last generation of people that
> > will know how computers actually *work*?  No computer *science* will
> > be learnt on Windows boxes, in my opinion.

 I would hope that isn't true.. considering I myself am a dual major in
Computer Science and Electrical Technology. I run some form of free *NIX
on all my machines, be it Linux, NetBSD, or OpenBSD... 

 But I do agree on how there has been a rather large influx of new
Computer Science students, just to try and get a chance at the 'money'....
these people know just windows... have never even ventured into the
"MS-DOS Prompt" on their Start menus... It's a sad state of affairs
indeed... and sitting through such courses which have been watered down to
meet this new 'generation' makes me sick... 

 There is hope though... be it a previous generation teaching, student
demand, or whatnot, but I've been successfully leading a small but
prominent revolution at my community college to invoke some
UNIX-consciousness onto the campus... Since the beginning we've gotten our
own IP address range, DNS name, a PII 350 and an old DEC 3000/600S for use
in our project... there is now a push for at least one UNIX course to be
developed for the Computer Science program... of which I will either be
designing myself or heavily influencing. There is hope indeed.
 -    |||       Atari 8-bit!  Star Wars * SPARCbook 3GX * SUMMER!!    -
-     |||      400/800/XL/XE  Battlestar: Galactica * SPARC * Linux    -
- |  | | |  | 2600/5200/7800  NetBSD1.4.2 * StarTrek * Galaga * SCSI   -
 - ||  |  ||     Lynx/Jaguar  Star Raiders * Descent * Voltron * UNIX -

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