[SunRescue] 4/6xx capabilities?

Kris Kirby kris at hiwaay.net
Wed Jan 12 17:23:13 CST 2000

On Wed, 12 Jan 2000, Mattias Nordlund wrote:

> >   It can be done with 4/600 boards with new enough ROMs.  There's a VME
> > loopback parameter that you can set in the OBP...I don't recall the variable
> > name offhand but it's something like "vme-loopback" or some such.
> > 
> I checked the 4/600 I have access to have the "skip-vme-loopback?"
> variable, but is there a similar thing in the 4/300 ROMs?
> Or does anyone have any idea what circuts to cut? or could it be possible
> to just fill a x90 vme-cardcage with 4/300 cpu's and hope it will "kind"
> of work? =)

I don't know how it would affect the machines, but an alternative to
cutting traces would be to find a VME connector and solder a card edge
slot on it, and then cut into this adaptor. The only real problem is that
the card won't seat in the slot, but you can still remove it and use it
normally without the adapter. 

Kris Kirby, KE4AHR          | TGIFreeBSD... 'Nuff said.
<kris at nospam.hiwaay.net>    |    
"God gave them the ability to reproduce...
	... Science gave us the hope they won't." -KBK

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