[SunRescue] Needed: SM100s and 4mb SIMMs

Mike Nicewonger twmaster at earthlink.net
Fri Feb 4 01:44:25 CST 2000

I have plenty of SM-100's you need 4?

I may also be able to do the memory.

Whatya got to trade Bill?

--Mike N
-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Bradford <mrbill at mrbill.net>
To: rescue at sunhelp.org <rescue at sunhelp.org>
Date: Friday, February 04, 2000 2:36 AM
Subject: [SunRescue] Needed: SM100s and 4mb SIMMs

>Anybody got a handle on where I can obtain four SM100 CPU modules and
>(hopefully) 64 4mb 30pin SIMMs?  Failing that, a large quantity of 1mb
>30pin parity SIMMs?
>| Bill Bradford          | mrbill at pdp11.org     | mrbill at mrbill.net     |
>| http://www.sunhelp.org | http://www.pdp11.org | http://www.mrbill.net |
>Rescue maillist  -  Rescue at sunhelp.org

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