[SunRescue] GeekBoy say "relax" (was ...small country...)

Christopher Byrne rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Dec 25 20:15:16 CST 2000

I had a very long (12 month) email conversation with ESR on the whole geeks
with guns things before he wrote CATB, but our correspondence pretty much
flatlined after that. Fomr what I understand he is travelling about 2/3rd of
the time these days. Doesnt leave much time for personal email

Chris Byrne

-----Original Message-----
From: rescue-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:rescue-admin at sunhelp.org]On
Behalf Of Bill Bradford
Sent: Monday, December 25, 2000 20:34
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: Re: [SunRescue] GeekBoy say "relax" (was ...small country...)

On Mon, Dec 25, 2000 at 08:25:06PM -0500, Jonathan Katz wrote:
> Given that I happen to share a name with someone who's infamous for
> writing for slashdot.org I had my fair share of females to choose from,
> too. I even had ESR conviced I was the slashdot.org Jon Katz for about 10
> minutes.

Why would you *want* to convince someone of that, though? 8-)  JK is the
only slashdot "author" I have my preferences set to "ignore" on.  I wont
start ranting here, though.

I got to meet ESR at WorldCon in San Antonio a few years ago, back before
he became "famous", when he was just "the jargon file guy".  Really nice,
very subdued and quiet, but really fun to talk to (I sat and talked with him
for about an hour before I saw his name badge and realized who he was - we
were at a meeting of ISP owners in the area, at the time, and he was tagging
along with Avi Freeman..)

> That stinks. I've heard stories from Dragoncon in Atlanta where they don't
> ban males for showing up in nothing but g-strings.

And if they look like stereotypical gamers.. Ick...


Bill Bradford       |    "Do you expect me to talk?"
mrbill at mrbill.net   |    "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"
Austin, TX          |        -- "Goldfinger", 1964
Rescue maillist  -  Rescue at sunhelp.org

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