[SunRescue] sun3/80 scsu

Sam Creasey rescue at sunhelp.org
Mon Dec 25 13:57:53 CST 2000

Ok, so an actual run related message. :)

I recently was sent a sun3/80 by a cruel "friend" who knew I wouldn't rest
until linux ran properly on it....   (damn him)  and am having a little
trouble with the scsi subsystem....

Are there any bus oddities related to the *two* internal scsi ports?

Where does this thing want terminators attached to the scsi bus?  (and is
it proper for the scsi interface to freak out if no terminator is attached
to either an internal port or the external port?)

Is it supported/proper to dangle two disks from a single port

I'm seeing a lot of odd behavior which changes as I move disks/cables
around, which is making the driver *extremely* difficult to debug.

-- Sam

Computer games don't affect kids. I mean if Pacman affected our generation as
kids, we'd all run around in a darkened room munching pills and listening to
repetitive music.
        -- Unknown

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