[SunRescue] GeekBoy say "relax" (was ...small country...)

Mike Hebel rescue at sunhelp.org
Sun Dec 24 21:37:20 CST 2000

Hmmm...relaxation?  What's that? *grin*

I do a lot of Sci-Fi reading to relax.  I actually read well enough that I
can finish a book within a four hour period if I'm engrossed in it.  I
experience the book more than really read it.  I forget _everything_ except
what's in the book which is more than needed for me.

As for other things I do to relax:

First person shooters.  I've won the original DOOM more times than I can
count but it still helps.

Science Fiction conventions.  I attend a couple every year.  Windycon and
Duckcon.  Sometimes I attend more than a couple.

Soaking in a hot tub/Jacuzzi if one is available.  In the dark if possible
with candles.  (OK.  So I'm in touch with my feminine side.  Big deal!
Note: My wife is laughing at me right now. ;-)

Making large wooden walking sticks.  Every time I have time to do this I'm
_incredibly_ relaxed afterwards.  It's like I've been in complete touch with
nature and shaped it to my imagination.  My current project is the bottom 6
feet of a Locust tree, complete with root ball.  I'm making it for a friend.

I attend at least a few days of the local Renaissance Faire in Bristol,
Wisconsin every year.  I know people who work there.  I go in costume.  I
become somebody else every so slightly and it makes all the difference.

I have a motorcycle but it needs a new head gasket and probably a take-down
and rebuild which will most likely happen the first sign of spring since the
garage isn't heated.

Last but not least I like spending time _alone_ with my wife and child.  Our
living arrangements are not under our control yet so any time away together
is like gold.  Nothing relaxed me more than last year when my wife and I
spent a week alone in a small Midwestern town, medium grade hotel, and just
went out an looked at things and went shopping.  No geek toys but plenty of
interesting stuff, including my wife. *grin*

Regardless, this list is highly subject to change without notice.  I've
found that unless you have people breathing down your next 7x24 then you can
almost always take those "small" moments and stretch them so that you can
relax enough to move on without breaking.  It's when you don't have those
small moments of time is when you break completely.  I've been broken, I

Mike Hebel

> >-----Original Message-----
> >From: rescue-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:rescue-admin at sunhelp.org]On
> >Behalf Of Peter L. Wargo
> >Sent: Sunday, December 24, 2000 1:52 PM
> >To: rescue at sunhelp.org
> >Subject: [SunRescue] GeekBoy say "relax" (was ...small country...)
> >
> >
> >on 12/24/00 11:18, Bill Bradford at mrbill at mrbill.net wrote:
> >
> >> On Sun, Dec 24, 2000 at 12:49:02PM -0500, Tim Harrison wrote:
> >>> What do you guys do to keep sane when you're in this business?
> >>
> >> First-person shooter games are great for releiving stress.  Other
> >> things that help:
> >
> >Let's see:
> >
> >1) Spouse: Chandra is my best friend, and makes me smile even when I've
> >spent all day babysitting a major CU.  Plus, she likes and
> >appreciates geek
> >toys, and even has a few of her own.
> >
> >2) Dogs: basenji.com, need I say more?
> >
> >3) Motorcycle: Nothing like hopping on the ZR-7 and going down some nice
> >twisties... Reminds me, I need new tires... :-)
> >
> >4) GeekToys: Since my first Sun 2/120 10 years ago, I've always
> >had one or
> >two UNIX project boxes around.  Boxes that I can go be bad on
> >w/o worrying
> >about the results. <big grin>
> >
> >5) Hot Tub.  If you buy a house in San Diego, it should be mandatory.
> >Nothing like a good glass of port, a good book, and the tub.  Plus the
> >ability to read my Email with the iBook while sitting in it. <double big
> >grin>
> >
> >-Pete, lost in SoCal.
> >
> >_______________________________________________
> >Rescue maillist  -  Rescue at sunhelp.org
> >http://www.sunhelp.org/mailman/listinfo/rescue
> >

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