[SunRescue] I could run a small country...

Kurt Huhn rescue at sunhelp.org
Sat Dec 23 23:00:42 CST 2000

Hash: SHA1

> On Sat, Dec 23, 2000 at 09:37:26PM -0500, Dave McGuire wrote:
> >   Nope!  These babies are built by Mercedes Benz.  The motor is
> > the same as was used in several Mercedes Benz passenger cars in
> > the early 70s.  The rest of the truck...well, doesn't break.
> > > Dave - you DID leave it camo, right, tho?
> >   Bill.  You insult me.  Of course I did. 8-)
> >      -Dave McGuire
> Slashdot has their wimp-ass PT Cruiser.  SunHELP has a guy with a
> German Army troop/radio truck.  I think I know who would win. 8-)
> Cool truck, man.  Congrats.  We want more pictures when you get
> them taken!

Grrrrr.  SunHELP also has a guy with a PT Cruiser - which is anything
but wimp-ass!!  I've never been embarressed pulling onto the highway,
and I can manuever around town on narrow streets to boot!  The
Cruiser was built for car people, not truck people I suppose.  But
even truck people can appreciate it and love it (I consider myself a
non-practicing truck person).


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