[SunRescue] That maddening cycle...

Christopher Byrne rescue at sunhelp.org
Tue Dec 19 02:03:31 CST 2000

And of course like any other addict, I don't really want it to end. I admit
it I am a computer addict.

Is there any hope for me?

lesse what are those twelve steps,

1. Admit you are powerless over your addiction
Oh yeah, I am totally powerless over this one. My isp was down for three
days, so I started using my cell phone to get online at a cost of $0.39 a
minute, a total of $400.00 in three days.

2. Believe that a power greater than yourself can help
That one I'm not so sure about. I don't really believe in a higher power as
such, I'm more of a primal forces kind of guy

3. make a decision to turn your life over to that greater power
That one I'm definiltey not going for. I'm a total control freak

4. Make a searching and fearless inventory
I recently calculated my total expenditures in computer hardware this year
for my taxes, and it exceeds the national average income for a two child
family. Software is pretty hefty as well.

5. admit to yourself, to the higher power, and to one other person the exact
nature of our wrongs
Like I said, more than the income of the average two child family

6. We are entirely ready to have the power remove these defects of character
Ummm, I'm not so sure about that one either, I kind of like being computer

7. Humbly ask this power to remove the shortcomings
Umm, since I don't believe in a sentient, omniscient, and omnipresent
entity, that might be a little difficult

8. Make a list of all persons you have harmed and become willing to make
My wife definitley. I was supposed to buy her a new car a few months ago, I
bought us both new computers instead

9. Make direct ameds to those people when possible
Well I'm working on that one. I'm buying her that new car in a few weeks

10. continue to take personal invonetory and when you go wrong admit it
I admit it, I need to get rid of a lot of hardware, and I should really stop
buying more. I have enough... but it isn't all exactly what I want, and new
things keep coming out... uh oh, see step 1, that maddening cycle again.

11. seek through prayer and meditation greater connection with the higher
Back to that not believing in the higher power thing again

12. having had a spritual awakening, take this message to others
Hmmm, I think the only message I'm able to give to others right now is
advice about how to buy more hardware.

Ok, for those of you who were offended by what I just said, please realize
that I didn't intend it that way. My wife is a recovering alcoholic (six
years with only two lapses, both when we got into big fights). I helped take
care of an alcoholic and drug dependant aunt for almost ten years (eight
years sober, married with two baby girls), and my grandfather died from his
alcoholism. I had no intend to mock the twelve steps, and have nothing but
the utmost respect for those of you who have chosen to follow them.

Anyway back to the topic at hand, at least computer addiction has practical
benefits.  Thankfully much of my purchases are useful and tax deducatble
(I'm a consultant, and operate my own business).
Chris Byrne

-----Original Message-----
From: rescue-admin at sunhelp.org [mailto:rescue-admin at sunhelp.org]On
Behalf Of Daniel Dickinson
Sent: Monday, December 18, 2000 23:23
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: [SunRescue] That maddening cycle...

I rather suspect if God answers your implied plea for
the maddening cycle to end you will find yourself
standing before pearly gates (of course whether there
are computers behind those gates depends on whether
you've been a good boy or not :-)

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