[SunRescue] MRTG and Sun's snmpd

Hatle, Steven J. rescue at sunhelp.org
Wed Dec 13 10:30:18 CST 2000


We graph CPU and SQL 6.5 database activity on our NT servers, disk space,
CPU, and bunches of other stuff on our Solaris boxes, and all kinds of other

I'm not the guy who's set it up, so don't ask me for any details <grin>, but
you can do a _ton_ with MRTG.


-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Bradford [mailto:mrbill at mrbill.net]
Sent: Wednesday, December 13, 2000 10:18 AM
To: rescue at sunhelp.org
Subject: Re: [SunRescue] MRTG and Sun's snmpd

On Wed, Dec 13, 2000 at 10:59:52AM -0500, Kurt Huhn wrote:
> Bill, how'd you manage to graph sendmail activity?  I thought MRTG was
> for routers, switches, firewalls, and whatnot...
> Kurt

Ever look in the "contrib" directory of the MRTG distribution?  You
can graph damn near anything with the right shell scripts / plugins / etc.
All that's required is that the resulting numbers be in a certain format.


Bill Bradford       |    "Do you expect me to talk?"
mrbill at mrbill.net   |    "No, Mr. Bond, I expect you to die!"
Austin, TX          |        -- "Goldfinger", 1964
Rescue maillist  -  Rescue at sunhelp.org

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