[SunRescue] SparcStations on Fire

chris at searat.com chris at searat.com
Wed Aug 16 14:32:29 CDT 2000

I have an elc that has jittery video. I already swapped the mb, so it must be somewhere else.  does the ps contain video circuits?


Kurt Nowak <knowak at polymail.cpunix.calpoly.edu> wrote:
If any of you really really *need* to keep an SLC or an ELC alive, i stripped apart
an ELC and SLC to salvage the mobos and PSs....all 4 items sitting in a box doing


Chris Drelich wrote:

> I was intent on selling my SparcStation SLC on ebay.  So, I turned it on for
> the first time in about a year, intent on taking some pictures.  I flicked the
> switch, and heard a few crackling noises, followed by smoke pouring out of the
> system and a horrible smell.  It was not the cable, that was fine, and was just
> powering a different computer a few minutes prior to it being plugged into the
> SLC.  Im curious if anything like this has happened to anyone before or if
> anyone know what might have caused it?  Just idle curiosity really, the death
> of the system is no big deal, and I never thought I'd get more then $20 for it
> on ebay.
> Chris
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/// Chris Terwilliger
/// chris at searat.com

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