Sparc 5 motherboard (was: Re: [SunRescue] OT: Compaq Disks)

Maarten Deen mdeen at
Sun Aug 13 09:53:22 CDT 2000

Hi Rob,

> Anyone interested some Sparc5/110 or Sparc5/170 motherboards and 24 bit
> framebuffers (probably leo or tcx)?  I am trying to get hold of some
> surplus Sparc5 bases locally, but most have no memory or disk.  Most of
> the local buyers only want whole systems, so if I get the lot, I'll need
> to part-out quite a few to obtain disks and RAM for the others.

I'd be interested in a 5/170 motherboard. If you get hold of one, feel free to 
mail me your price.


Maarten Deen                                           +31 (0)77 3076879
mdeen at                    

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