[SunRescue] dsl advice

ChrisTerwilligerchris at searat.com ChrisTerwilligerchris at searat.com
Wed Aug 9 09:43:41 CDT 2000

BSD Bob the old greybead BSD freak wrote:

> Are there any issues with machine speed in using an older sparc as a
> gateway?  I was thinking of doing something similar, and have available
> things like an IPX or an SS2, or maybe a DEC 3000 that I could use.
> What are the pros and cons of using older slower equipment as gateways
> for the home net, at the usual home connect speeds one is likely to get
> these days?

I use an IPX running Redhat 5.2.  It performs flawlessly, I never touch
it.  More than enough speed.

// Chris Terwilliger
// chris at searat.com

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