Re(2): [SunRescue] Diff SCSI h/w

Tim Hauber Tim_Hauber at
Mon Sep 20 16:08:46 CDT 1999

rescue at,Internet writes:
>Yes, exactly.  I have several of both the 2.1GB trays (cabled for narrow
>SCSI internally) and the 9GB trays (cabled for wide SCSI).  Unfortunately,
>the later-rev powersupplies removed the ability to run off of 120VAC, so I
>have swapped them around to get the 9GB trays up and running.

OK, help.  It has been said on this list by a couple people that the
pieces in my 690 MP chassis will run on 120V AC.  The various
powersupplies (including on of these drive drawers, with 18G of Wide Diff
SCSI drives in it) all are labeled 220V, there are no switches to manually
select 120, and the ranges printed on them specifically say 208-230 V or
similar.  It has been said that they are universal powersupplies
restickered by Sun, but there is no visible indication of this.  Does
anybody know where I can get actual documentation on Sun Chassis pieces
(either hard copy or online)  I am reluctant to attempt to fire up a
switching Power Supply on half voltage, for fear of damaging the supply,
or the stuff on the other side of it.  


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