[SunRescue] SPARCsystem 600MP needs an OS

Chris Sterling lemmy at eaze.net
Sat Sep 4 22:38:05 CDT 1999

On Sat, 4 Sep 1999, James Lockwood wrote:

> On Sat, 4 Sep 1999, Chris Sterling wrote:
> > Hey guys, I just got a SPARCServer 330. It boots, but it looks like it's
> > drives are formatted. All I have it Solaris 2.6, which does not support
> > this hadrware (or so the boot error told me).  I'd love to run SunOS
> > 4.1.x if there is a place to find a copy around somewhere. I've got a
> > bootable external CDROM and a CD burner, so I hope all I'm missing is a
> > OS. I've even got some extra SCSI drives around in case the giant's in the
> > 330's case are dead. 
> > 
> > So, where can I find SunOS 4.1.x? with some install help/howto's if
> > possible?  I'm already downloading netBSD just in case. 
> > 
> > 
> > The boot message goes something like this: 
> > 
> > SPARCsystem 600MP (2 x 390Z55) Keboard present
> > ROM rev 2.14, 128MB memory  ...
> > 
> > I'm not finding too much in the FAQ's about the processor speed, etc. I
> > take it this is a 600MP in a 330's chassis?  
> Yes.  This is technically a 4/630, which was a configuration supported by
> Sun, but it appears that someone built yours with a 4/330 chassis (the
> first /x30 configuration made) and a 4/600 board.  There are no 4/300
> parts left in it except the label, I expect.
> It's basically a Sparc 10 with a VME interface and a few other minor
> differences.  With the right CPU's it should really haul.  The 128MB is
> probably 32 4MB SIMMs, a great setup.
> The good news is that the boot message (2 x 390Z55) means that you have 2
> SuperSPARC CPU's with SuperCache (1MB per CPU).  These are
> SM41/51/61/71/81's, you can find out how fast they are by typing
> "module-info" at the "ok" prompt.  They are probably SM41's or SM51's.

CPU #0 and CPU #2? both 60Mhz. Better than I expected... I got netbsd's
miniroot to boot off a CD (though I cannot get it to do anything useful)
according to the kernel messges, it's got a pair of 312MB drives. 

> > It's also got a Comm processor II card in it, with serial RS232 and RS449.
> Ok, there are a few different ways you can go with this:
> Find and run SunOS 4.1.x.  This is unsupported on multi-CPU SMxx
> configurations but will work.  Be warned that SMP support is _lousy_
> (only one kernel lock).  Not recommended.
> Run *BSD or SparcLinux.  The BSD's don't support SMP 4/600's and Linux
> support is spotty with regards to VME devices.  Not recommended.
> Get Solaris 2.5.1/SPARC.  This is the last officially supported version of
> Solaris for the 4/600.  If you must use the VME cards included with the
> system (the ALM2 card, right?) then this is your best option.
> Patch Solaris 2.6 or 7 to run on the 4/600.  This is easy to do, though
> you have to repeat it after every kernel patch you apply.  Since you have
> 128MB and dual SM41's (at a minimum) it should run 2.6 like a champ.
> Unless you absolutely have to use other VME cards in the chassis I would
> go with this.  It's rock-solid and quite nice.

I really don't have any use for the VME stuff. I've got Solaris 2.6 (5/98)
on CD. Is there anywhere I can get a cheap copy of 2.5.1? 

> Do you have another machine on your network that you could netboot this
> beast off of?  If so you can just use adb on the server to patch the
> netbooted kernel, otherwise you will have to invoke kadb when you boot the
> 2.6 CD locally and do the patching on-line.  I can give you directions on
> this procedure if you need them, you just NOP out a single halt
> instruction.  Look for the halt after the call to iam_ss600 near the
> startup code.

I've got other machines that could netboot this beast, Linux(x86) or
Solaris 2.5.1(sparcbook 3GX) and 2.6(SS2). 

So, basicly I could patch the kernel on my SS2 running 2.6, and then
netboot the beast from there?  Cool. Where do I start? 

Thanks man. I really appreciate the help! 

Chris Sterling					
System Administrator
lemmy at eaze.net
Office:	817-557-3038
Fax:	817-557-3468

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