[SunRescue] Sparc 2 Error Codes

Eric Ozrelic erico at bendcable.com
Tue Nov 2 21:20:29 CST 1999

Still having some problems with my SS2...

I hooked up a null modem cable to my SS2. I now get output from the Sun,
it's getting mad about the memory, and maybe the keyboard.
Every single time I turn it on I get a "WARNING: Unable to
determine keyboard type" I tried 2 different keyboards (a type 4, and a
brand new virgin 5c) I also tried no keyboard but it still gave the same
msg. If I didn't have memory in it it would give me a "*** WARNING: No
Memory Detected! ***" msg. I swapped memory around and put it in different
banks (in groups of 4) and kept getting errors like "*** U0309 ***

        PADDR = 00000000, Expected = a5c33c5a, Observed = a5ffffff"

I found that if I put the memory in different areas it would give a
different "Observed" code, which I assume is a memory segment in hex. I
tried 4 different types of ram, 3 of the types are parity (or are supposed
to be!). All are 4mb modules (or are supposed to be!) I have everything
(even the frame buffer and floppy) unplugged from the motherboard, and I
even took out the mother board to check for small bits of metal that might
have been shorting against some of the ram slots. I also checked the mother
board for broken capacitors and resistors near the ram. I also looked for
jumpers. I found 3 jumpers that are labeled "GNDX", X being a number 1 - 3.
I assume GND is ground, but I'm not sure. None of the GND jumpers are
shorted. There is also a set of 2 jumpers that I believe are for the serial
port and are labeled "RS232, and RS423". These are both shorted. There is
only one strange plug near the power supply in the middle of the mother
board. I believe it is maybe some sort of power plug. It has 8 pins. Any
suggestions or help is welcome.

Thanks for all your help so far, sorry to bug you guys about

Eric O.

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