[SunRescue] Re: SunPC 4.1

kk at enteract.com kk at enteract.com
Tue Nov 23 01:14:35 CST 1999

> I pop the SunPC CD in my trusty SunCD (guessing 1x... model 8012 or
> 8013)... following the instructions pretty much step by step in the SunPC
> 4.1 manual... I go and add the package to the system, then run the
> ./sunpc_install program... I get the following:
> memerr_70
> memerr_signal
> async_recover_70
> physmem
> All followed with a "not found" I do believe. I went to apply any patches,
> and with the three directories that were available, nothing was to be
> patched. I made a symlink from /kernel/genunix to /kernel/unix so that the
> installer would run without complaining/supplying command-line options.
> Then upon rebooting, etc. getting back into OpenWindows and trying to run
> SunPC, the kernel panics, flushes its buffers, and reboots. Everytime. I
> get no part of the SunPC software... the only thing I see after executing
> sunpc is a flash of the screen as it kernel panics and switches back to
> the console/prom font.
> This has generated a couple of questions:
> - Is my 'generic' kernel missing some vital components? If so, how does
>   one resolve this problem? (I come from a Linux background, and I have
>   been able to make my way around my also fresh SunOS 4.1.3_U1 install a
>   lot better than Solaris 2.5.1)

I have a similar setup, sparc 2 running solaris 2.4, SunPC 4.1, DX-25
After installing the Sunpc software, but before running the
you have to apply a few patches.  The ones I applied:

101933-01  Openwin patch
102057-01  Openwin patch
102924-26  Patch to Sunpc

You may or may not need the Openwin patches for Solaris 2.5.1.  The 
sunpc_install program prompted me to install them.

> - Does SBUS slot order matter? My cards are installed (from left to right,
>   looking at the back of the machine:  CG3, SunPC, LPVI) Or would the
>   probeing order in the PROM matter? (I __think__ it is 0321)

Sbus slot shouldn't matter.  I have mine installed in the center slot. 

> - On a side note... it says the SunPC 4.1 software WILL NOT work with
>   anything older than Solaris 2.3 (I believe)... my question: is there a
>   version available for SunOS? I don't care if it's older, etc. I just
>   want to be able to fire up an accelerated DOS window to fiddle around
>   in.

I think Sunpc version 3 is for SunOS 4.  Sunpc 4 is for Solaris.

Also, a somewhat related question.  Has anyone upgraded the older Sunpc
cards?  Would it be possible to install a DX/2 or even an AMD 5x86-133?

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