[SunRescue] Sun mouse upgrades, or, cheap thrills with a soldering iron

Kent Rankin srao at usit.net
Wed Jul 14 18:53:29 CDT 1999

>> Yes right but eh I don't have the space for the real big iron at the
>> moment...when the house gets to mutch for my parrents I may trade my city
>> flat for the house with then and then yes ... but at the moment I can't
>> store a S/370 or a S/34 ( I want a S/34 or S/36 someday )  becuase I the
>> first computer I worked on was a S/34...Back when XT's where used as
>> terminals by IBM in 1980 or 1981. BTW the  AS/400 that was used at a
>> I used to work took up a full airconditioned room with all the discs and
>> terminal connectors etc. So the one I'm thinking off is kind of big.
>The small AS/400's are the size of tower PC's.  Some slightly older,
>nearly free (when you can find them) models are about the size of a large
>VME box (like a 4/670) and can handle normal environments just fine.
>S/370's are harder.  Something like a P/370 would be ideal, they're the
>size of a small PC.  Failing that, many of the aircooled 93xx series can
>fit in a single 5' rack complete with DASD.  That's what I'm shooting for.

    I've got a six-rack AS/400 that is a complete system(although it has
about 80
terminal ports that I don't have the terminals for<grin>).  Even have some
that are with it.  Mind you, this system has OS/400, Officevision/400, PC
several languages worth of compilers and libraries, etc.

    Anyhow, should you want it, $1500 US takes it.  =)

    She's located in Knoxville, TN, 37922-3449.

                                                    -Kent Rankin

P.S. - It even has manuals, a few 9-track tapes(including on IBM diagnostics
       a few tape cleaner kits, etc.

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