[SunRescue] Sun mouse upgrades, or, cheap thrills with a soldering iron

Sheldon T. Hall shall1 at columbus.rr.com
Mon Jul 12 07:00:15 CDT 1999

I think that's good rescue information, actually; it might keep some Sun gear in use when a "more responsive" replacement had been planned.

On the other hand, if folks don't replace Sun stuff, we'll have nothing to rescue....


From: 	James Lockwood
Sent: 	Monday, July 12, 1999 3:28 AM
To: 	rescue at ohno.mrbill.net
Subject: 	[SunRescue] Sun mouse upgrades, or, cheap thrills with a soldering iron

Ok, so this isn't exactly Sun "rescue", but I thought it would be interesting to some of the readers here.

[snip description of increasing mouse comms rate to 4800 bps]

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