[SunRescue] FS/FT: Two 32mb Sun DIMMs for U5/10

Bill Bradford mrbill at mrbill.net
Sat Dec 11 22:18:40 CST 1999

I've got two 32mb DIMMs here (Sun-barcoded, P/N 370-3198-01, date code 9807)
for a Sun Ultra 5 or Ultra 10 machine.  I've got 192mb in my box now (two x
32mb, 2x64mb) so I no longer have a use for these two 32mb sticks.

Will trade for something nifty; if you've got something interesting laying
around thats worth around $100, make an offer.  Ham radio equipment preferred.

(in other words, I'd just like to get rid of these and acquire something 
 interesting or useful in exchange).


Bill Bradford   *   mrbill at mrbill.net    /   http://www.mrbill.net
                    mrbill at sunhelp.org   /   http://www.sunhelp.org
"Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to using 
Windows NT for mission-critical applications."
     -- What Yoda *meant* to say 

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