[SunRescue] Sparc 10 cover plates

Michael C. Vergallen mvergall at double-barrel.be
Sat Dec 18 05:25:11 CST 1999

Dous anyone have 2 cover plates for the sbus slots on the Sparc 10.
because I just recieved my replacement board for my smp sparc 10 but they
lost the cover plates for two sbus slots and at my site having open holes
is inviting poeple to mess with the system.

I also have a question regarding the sun sparc 10...namely would it be
powerfull enough for a ftp server. The one I have now is a PC and it is
getting totaly fucked up. So I want to use my sun 10 uniprocessor that has
become available.. Its a SM30 cpu with 128MB Ram to me it seems sufficient
for a ftp server but I would like to make shure. When I have some more $$
I will probably upgrade the cpu. But now it will have to do as I just
purchased the Sbus Scsi wide card for it becuase I have a scsi wide disc
cage with 45 Gb of discs...The PC a P5/150Mhz had a Scsi wide adapted and
96MB of ram so qua speed the Sun 10 should be about the same.

Michael C. Vergallen A.k.A. Mad Mike, 
Sportstraat 28			http://www.double-barrel.be/mvergall/
B 9000 Gent			ftp://ftp.double-barrel.be/pub/linux/
Belgium				tel : 32-9-2227764 Fax : 32-9-2224976

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