Re(2): Re(2): [SunRescue] Offerings

Kent Rankin srao at
Thu Aug 19 01:21:44 CDT 1999

>  Ahh, don't sweat it.  VMS is alive and well, and FORTRAN won't "obsolete"
>until other languages can Do The Math Thing as well as it can.  Just
>it's been around for a while doesn't mean it's "old", and even if it IS
>that certainly doesn't mean it doesn't get the job done.  It may even be
>Right Tool For The Job, a philosophy that's been nearly stamped out of
>existence in our industry.

    Erk... for anyone that thinks Fortran is dead, just tell them to go and
look at the field of Scientific Computing.  Unfortunately, it is far from
it.  =)

    Mind you, it beats the hell out of anything else out there for
work, but, well... that still won't keep me from holding one hell of a party
the day it is declared DOA.  =)

                                                -Kent Rankin

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