Fa: So: La: Ti: Do: [SunRescue] Offerings

Dave McGuire mcguire at neurotica.com
Tue Aug 17 13:56:32 CDT 1999

On Mon, 16 Aug 1999, apotter at icsa.net wrote:
>On the subject of 9-tracks, is there (was there?) such a critter as a 9-track 
>with a scsi interface, or were they all something else.
>If there is such a critter, I'd sure like to "rescue" one......

  The nicest one that comes to mind is the HP 88780.  I was lucky enough to
find one a couple of years ago; paid $350 for it (a steal four years
ago)...9trk media is still very heavily used by many industries; don't count on
it going away anytime soon.  It's "nostalgia" to us, but it's everyday
production for lots of folks.

              -Dave McGuire

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