[SunRescue] General Stuffiness

Bill Bradford mrbill at frenzy.com
Fri Aug 13 11:54:05 CDT 1999

On Thu, Aug 12, 1999 at 01:47:00PM -0400, Eric Pueschel wrote:
> I am not irritated by the following message.  It is a general offer to all the members of the list, listing equipment which we might be interested in acquiring.  Since there's a lot of us here who aren't strictly Sun fetishists and since all of us are interested in old computers, it makes a lot of sense to let us know about this.
> I am irritated by the message below.  It is an offer to a specific individual who has a "vs4000" and has expressed interest in getting rid of it. Those of us who do not have a "vs4000" are not interested, and those of us who are happy with our "vs4000's" are not interested either.  In short, it's intended for a very, very small audience.  Perhaps it's better sent as a private email directly to the individual?
> Pardon if I sound excessively snippy, but this sort of thing shouldn't need to be mentioned.  Please, folks, I've learned a lot from reading this list, but if I have to wade through too many messages like the one above, I'll unsubscribe.  I suspect that other people feel this way too.  Anyone remember why Usenet died?
> --eric
> emp7 at cornell.edu
> As a coda:  Normally I wouldn't send this message to the whole list, but I figured that someone ought to bitch about messages like this in public, just to strike home why it's a bad idea.  No more stuffiness,  I promise.  Back to work.

Actually.  I run this list, and I found the messages to be just fine.  Sure, 
Kent could have sent his message in private, but he probably hit the wrong
key.  So what?  Just overlook it.  If you're going to be so anal about such
things, you can either unsubscribe or get more fiber in your diet.... 

In short, chill out.

Bill (who needs to inventory the NEWS stuff... and the 3B2 stuff... anybody
       here into 3B2 stuff?  I have a ton...)

Bill Bradford * mrbill at sunhelp.org * http://www.sunhelp.org
>From a Sun Microsystems bug report (#4102680):
"Workaround: don't pound on the mouse like a wild monkey."

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